Tui tui tāngata,
tui tui korowai
Bringing people together is like weaving a fine cloak
translated means to initiate, begin or start
Nāu te rourou, nāku te rourou, ka ora ai te iwi
With your food basket and my food basket the people will thrive
This whakatauki talks to community, to collaboration and a strengths-based approach. It acknowledges that everybody has something to offer, a piece of the puzzle, and by working together we can all prosper.
TiMaTa also represents the first two letters of each of our names Tina; Maahi & Taraipine
TiMaTa Collaborations has been a driving force behind us for some time. Over the years we have ourselves collaborated to write material and deliver content for a range of purposes. Our work together highlighted several factors motivated by our desire to ensure quality, accuracy and authenticity. Through our approachable personalities, we have contributed to a variety of different kaupapa of similar ilk, always around consultation, collaboration and solution-finding, all within a cultural context.
It was a natural progression for us to explore our own potential and look to support ourselves into business doing something we love and enjoy.